Gina as she is known at home is owned and ridden by Brook Dobbin. Gina was born in 2009 and was bred at Mount View Sport Horses in New Zealand. 8 years ago she made the trek across the ditch and has been a partner with Brook ever since.
This story is special to us as Brook is one of our founding members of GDP. In fact the Dobbin family are the G in the GDP. G meaning Glenwood Park.
As we love to do, lets delve into some of her breeding, Gina is by Chin Chin. Chin Chin competed successfully for more than five years at international competitions including; 5 years at World Cup competitions, two Olympic Games both Seoul and Barcelona and two times at the World Equestrian Games. Chin Chin was purchased by VDL Stud at the grand age of 24, Chin Chin stood at the prestigious VDL Stud until his death. Chin Chins grandsire Cor de la Bryère is the stallion that revolutionized jumping horse breeding. His name is the one astute breeders like to see, especially on the mare line, for ‘Corde’ tends to give great form over a jump. Interestingly Gina has Cor De La Bryere on both sides of her lineage.
Gina’s Dam is Charming Princess who has Grannus in her lineage. Now we will divert a little here but believe us this story is worth the diversion. Interestingly Grannus in German records is actually Grannus-Granit , this name change happened when Heinrich Klatte became his owner. For those of you wondering, yes he is related to our very own amazing, Ulli Klatte. (in fact Heinrich is Ullis dad!) Ulli has been instrumental in Australian Breeding. Even more interestingly Ulli actually competed on Grannus! Yes, more diversion……..Heinrich first saw Grannus as a 2.5 year old and really liked him and wanted to buy him but couldn’t afford him, Grannus then got sold to a stud in Westphalia who eventually went into receivership. Part of the sale deal however was that the stallion could only be sold to somebody in Westphalia. Heinrich had a friend in Westphalia who bought him under Henrich’s recommendation and then Henrich swapped him for another showjumper. That is the short story of how Grannus ended up with the Klatte family. Thankfully he did, as having Grannus as a sire has turned out to be amazing for the World of Showjumping.
Ulli tells us that Grannus had lots charisma and was very careful. He also tell us he once he rode him at 1.45m class and had a huge miss and then faced up to the next fence on a VERY long stride, Ulli still to this day doesn’t know how he jumped it and puts it down to the incredible power he had. Grannus was black and this is clearly where Gina gets her colour and stunning looks from.
A little further to enforce how much influence Grannus had on showjumping is just looking at some of his progeny. Showjumping stars by Grannus include Grannusch (John Whitaker), Grand Plaisir (Ludger Beerbaum), Governor (Phillipe le Jeune), Golo (Gerd Wiltfang), Burmah Grand Slam (Nick Skelton), Top Gun La Silla (Jan Tops) .
History lesson done, we are grateful the beautiful Gina has Grannus in her lineage, she is 100% bred in the purple.
Now to more of her amazing story.
Routine and Gina go hand in hand, she loves coming into her stable every night and as much as she wouldn’t admit it she loves a cuddle. Take it from us she sneaks plenty of cuddles too!
She is obsessed with scratching with other horses whenever she is taken for a walk at a show etc she just wants to scratch with the other horse.
She's a funny thing, and probably her most iconic quirk is the fact that at a show she "gets in the zone" so where will you find her? With her back to you and standing on her mound she has built in the middle of stable. Guaranteed everytime! And so proud of that mound she is. Other horses? Nope could care less. She knows how great she is and it should be about her! In fact she would be very happy being the only horse on the truck.
She also has a very strong will and mind.. In fact recently team Dobbin introduced new horses next to her and she is not happy at all about it! So much so she has her own unique way of telling her mum Ange(Brooks wife).
Ange takes up this part and tells us a funny story, “Her water is in the middle of the shelter which she shares with 3 other horses (in a square) we have put a 4 year old on 1 side of her and for 5 weeks she has refused to go into the shelter so we have to take her water everyday. Hello Stubborn!”
Gina is famous in our eyes as she was the Winner of our inaugural GDP Grand Prix. That is a moment we will never forget. Over their time together Brook and Gina have clocked up many places in Australia’s biggest Grand Prix’s and World Cups up and down the country.
Gina you are so beautiful you shine in all your images and we just love watching you jump. (We nearly love you as much as Brook does).
We cannot wait to see you shine at the Classic! Being part of our GDP family, we can assure you, you will be cheered for loudly!
Gina and Brook would like to thank all their sponsors for keeping them both looking and feeling amazing!
Ker, CWD, Samshield, Martin Collins Australia, Freejump, Equissage.
Photo Credit: Images provided by Brook and credits to Australian Jumping and Michelle Terlato Photography



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